PROCEDURE 1.0 - WHO CAN BE DISCIPLINED? 1.1 Discipline action may only be taken against a Registrant or Registered Organization of Ontario Soccer for misconduct occurring at the time of the incident, and cannot be retroactively charged for incidents prior to registration of such person or organization. 1.2 Notwithstanding Procedure 1.1 Any person acting as a Team Official, Administrator or Match Official shall be considered to be a Registrant of Ontario Soccer regardless of whether he/she has registered to do so. PROCEDURE 2.0 - REPORTING MISCONDUCT 2.1 A Registrant and/or Registered Organization is accused of an offence as identified in the Standard Penalties for Misconduct in Operational Procedure 9.0 and is subject to discipline when: a) a Match Official reports an offence to the applicable Governing Organization electronically or by hardcopy or electronically; b) a Registrant or third party submits a written complaint and all supporting evidence and documentat ion that supports the complaint (for example: all documents, witness statements, etc.) to a Governing Organization that an offence has been committed. Action shall only be taken if the Complainant willingly agrees to act as a witness; c) a Governing Organization submits a written misconduct report and all supporting evidence and documentation that supports the report (for example: all documents, witness statements, etc.) to itself. In this scenario, the Governing Organization is required to have a representative (not including a member of its Discipline Hearing Panel) present the evidence at the hearing in order for action to be taken; d) A report submitted by a Match Official will be subject to Discipline By Hearing or Discipline By Review. A report submitted by a Governing Organization will be subject to Discipline By Hearing. A report submitted by a Registrant or Third Party may be subject to Discipline Hearing if investigation warrants further action. e) In the event that two or more complaints or misconduct reports relate to the same incident, all reports and complaints will be heard simultaneously and all reports will be considered by the Discipline Hearing Panel, providing that each report author acts as a witness at the hearing with the exception of a Match Official who is not required to attend the hearing. The Panel may exclude evidence or testimony that is unduly repetitious. 2.2 The Report 2.2.1 Misconduct must be reported, in writing, to the appropriate Governing Organization under whose jurisdiction the misconduct applies (as per Procedure 5.0) and with which an accused party is either registered or with which the Club of the accused is affiliated. The report shall be written in the English language and include all details of the incident. 2.2.2 If a report is judged to be an incomplete report or if a report is not written in the English language, the charge(s) shall not be dismissed. The Discipline Hearing/Review Panel shall adjourn the hearing/ review meeting and require the Match Official (or other person in accordance with Procedure 4.1) to either re-submit a complete report in the English language or attend a rescheduled hearing/review meeting to clarify the report submitted. Those parties required to attend the original hearing shall be required to be present at the subsequent hearing. 2.2.3 Once submitted, a Match Official may not withdraw a report and the charge(s) shall not be dismissed. A Match Official wishing to change a report must attend the Discipline Hearing and provide testimony regarding the reason for changing the report. 2.3 Statute of Limitations 2.3.1 The written Report/complaint must be submitted to the appropriate Governing Organization within sixty (60) days of the occurrence of the alleged misconduct and the organization must commence disciplinary action within thirty (30) days after receipt of the written report or the report will be declared null and void 2.3.2 Any reported misconduct that is made directly to Ontario Soccer may be acted upon by Ontario Soccer without consideration of the time-lines specified in Procedure 2.3.1 2.4 Match Official Assault 2.4.1 In the case of a Match Official Assault, the Match Official shall provide an written notification and a preliminary report of the assault to the District Association in which he/she resides and Ontario Soccer’s Match Official Development Department within 48 hours of the assault. The Match Official must then provide a completed Match Official Assault Report within 5 days of the alleged assault. This must be reported and submitted to the District Association in which he/she resides as well as to Ontario Soccer’s Match Official Development Manager. The applicable District Association is responsible for ensuring all parties involved receive this information. Approval to extend timelines listed in this procedure are at the discretion of Ontario Soccer only. 2.5 Misconduct by a Match Official 2.5.1 A written report/complaint about a Match Official Match Official must be reported to the appropriate District Association. Misconduct by a Match Official in a competition organized by Ontario Soccer shall be handled by Ontario Soccer 2.5.2 If a person, registered as a Match Official, is accused of misconduct while acting as a registered Player, Team Official or Administrator, he/she shall be charged for misconduct in the capacity in which he/she was acting and shall not be charged as a Match Official. For misconduct at any other time, including as a spectator, the person shall be charged as a Match Official. 2.6 Misconduct at a Tournament 2.6.1 With the exception of reports pertaining to match official assault, a match official is required to complete a dismissal report, or special incident report respectively for each dismissal, or special incident and a “list of cautions report” and submit such report(s) immediately to the governing organization under whose authority the game was held. PROCEDURE 3.0 ̽ JURISDICTION 3.1 Unless the Procedure is identified as being applicable only to a specific jurisdiction, all the Procedures in this document are applicable to Ontario Soccer and all Governing Organizations and individuals registered with Ontario Soccer. 3.2 Jurisdiction Levels All misconduct occurring in competition organized by Ontario Soccer shall fall under the jurisdiction of Ontario Soccer, unless otherwise delegated. 3.2.1 Ontario Soccer reserves the right to intervene in matters of discipline at all jurisdiction levels where dee med necessary and appropriate. 3.2.2 All misconduct types relating to registration of Players, Team Officials & Club Administrators fall under the jurisdiction of District Associations. 3.2.3 All misconduct by a Match Official shall be handled under the jurisdiction of the District Association in which the Match Official is registered. All applicable discipline resulting in suspension of a Match Official shall be served under the jurisdiction of Ontario Soccer. 3.2.4 All misconduct types relating to registration of Match Officials and Administrators of · Ontario Soccer · District Associations · Senior Provincial, Regional and (if governed by Ontario Soccer) District Competitive · Youth Provincial, Regional and (if governed by Ontario Soccer) District Competitive fall under the jurisdiction of Ontario Soccer. 3.2.5 Misconduct Types by the same person or the same organization occurring during the same game incident or a related incident shall be dealt with by one jurisdiction only. In a game involving several misconduct types by the same person or same organization and where those misconduct types would normally fall under two or more jurisdictional levels, the case shall be handled by the higher level Governing Organization. Charges and penalties specific to a Governing Organization shall be heard on behalf of that Governing Organization, by the jurisdiction level hearing the cases. 3.3 Misconduct Directed towards a Match Official 3.3.1 In cases of Match Official Assault Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel shall be appointed by the District Association with which the accused is registered or with which the Club of the accused is affiliated. The District Association's Discipline Hearing Panel shall act as Ontario Soccer's Discipline Hearing Panel in the hearing of such cases. 3.3.2 For all other Misconduct Types directed at a Match Official the jurisdiction of discipline shall be: a) If the misconduct occurred during a game in a Provincial, Regional, District Competitive or District Recreational League then, the appropriate League shall have jurisdiction to handle any disciplinary action. b) For all other Misconduct directed at the Match Official discipline shall be dealt with by the District Association with which the accused is registered or with which the Club of the accused is affiliated. A District Association may delegate such cases to the District Competitive League (if governed by the District Association), District Recreational League or Local League in which the offence occurred provided such delegation is stated in their Governing Documents. 3.4 Delegation of Misconduct Jurisdiction 3.4.1 Where permitted, a Governing Organization may be delegated, by its Governing Organization, the responsibility for establishing a Discipline Hearing Panel to deal with one or more Misconduct Types. This responsibility may be revoked at any time by the higher Governing Organization. 3.4.3 District Associations may delegate certain game related misconduct types to: a) Senior District Competitive Leagues and Youth District Competitive Leagues (governed by District Association) b) Senior District Recreational Leagues and Youth District Recreational Leagues c) Clubs, Senior Local Leagues and Youth Local Leagues 3.5 Referral of Misconduct Cases 3.5.1 A Governing Organization which has jurisdiction over a specific misconduct category may refer a misconduct incident to its higher Governing Organization. If the higher Governing Organization determines that the referral is valid, it shall handle the case. If the higher Governing Organization determines that the referral is not valid, the case shall be handled by the Governing Organization with jurisdiction for that misconduct type 3.5.3 Misconduct occurring outside the normal jurisdiction such as out of province games or tournaments shall be referred to the appropriate Governing Organization for action. 3.5.4 Anytime a Governing Organization refers a discipline case to a higher Governing Organization, the case becomes a case of that higher Governing Organization, which must report back the findings and decisions to the referring Governing Organization within 30 days or upon completion of the discipline process. PROCEDURE 4.0 - RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Ontario Soccer may, without notice, audit any organization who has been delegated the responsibility to administer discipline to ensure full compliance with these Procedures. If an organization fails to administer discipline in accordance with these Procedures Ontario Soccer has the right to: a) Intervene to correct the problem b) Withdraw the delegation to administer discipline; and c) Subject the organization to discipline 4.2 Every Club is responsible for the actions of its Players, Team Officials, Administrators and spectators. 4.3 In all cases of mistaken identity of an accused Player, Team Official or Administrator caused as a result of a team sheet error or other irregularities, the responsible Club shall properly identify the offending party involved. Failure to do so will result in a charge under Misconduct Type 5.69 4.3.1 In the event that the Match Official incorrectly identifies the person responsible for the reported misconduct and if the Club correctly identifies the offending party, then both parties together with the Match Official shall be required to attend the hearing for the Match Official to identify the correct person if so required by the Discipline Hearing Panel. 4.4 Registered District Associations, Leagues and Clubs shall ensure that their disciplinary rules, regulations and policies are consistent and do not conflict with those published by Ontario Soccer. 4.5 Failure to observe time-lines defined in these Procedures shall render any disciplinary action taken after the expiration of the time, null and void. 4.6 Accused parties must appear at a Hearing at their own expense. 4.7 All parties directly affected by a discipline decision must receive a written copy of the decision and also the specific “Rights of Appeal Information”, including: · The name and address of the organization to which the Appeal must be sent. · The amount of the appeal fee · The criteria for the grounds for appeal · Which organizations must receive a copy of the appeal · The method of delivery for both the appeal and the fee The time-lines for appealing a decision shall only go into effect after the affected party has received a written copy of both the decision and the "Rights of Appeal Information" 4.8 Except for discipline decisions rendered under the D.B.R. System, any party directly affected by a decision has the right to appeal that decision. The discipline decision shall remain in effect pending the result of the appeal. 4.9 A Registrant is entitled to know for which offence she/he has been dismissed from a game. Each Governing Organization shall develop a procedure whereby a person may learn why she/he has been dismissed. This procedure must allow sufficient time for the report to be accepted by the Governing Organization and sufficient time for the accused to request a hearing via the normal procedures. 4.10 Any party directly affected by a decision shall receive a copy of the "Findings". However, the Minutes of a Discipline Hearing Panel shall not be given to any party except to the Governing Organization, upon such request. PROCEDURE 5.0 - DISCIPLINE SYSTEMS 5.1 Discipline administered by a Governing Organization shall be rendered in accordance with the Discipline by Review (DBR) system and/or Discipline by Hearing (DBH) system. 5.2 For Discipline Hearings being convened by a District Association or any competitive classification league the Discipline Hearing Chair shall hold current Discipline Certification Level 1 prior to the hearing being convened. 5.3 Discipline By Review (DBR) 5.3.1 An organization may use the D.B.R. System only for those misconduct types defined in Procedure 9.0 5.3.2 The organization's Discipline Review Panel shall meet not less than once a month, in accordance with a published schedule, to review all misconduct reports received since its last Discipline Review meeting. 5.3.3 The Discipline Review Panel shall: a) Read the misconduct report b) Identify the correct charge for each c) Determine if the charge shall be handled by DBR or DBH d) Make a decision on the DBR charge(s) e) Render the mandatory penalty in accordance with Procedure 9.0. f) Postpone a decision to a subsequent Discipline Review Meeting if it determines that further clarification and/or reports are required. 5.3.4 Notification of Penalty Decisions shall be forwarded, in writing, by mail, fax, e-mail, or designated website, to all affected parties within four (4) days of the hearing, and shall indicate the following a) Exact offence(s) of which the accused has been found guilty; and b) Starting date and the expiry date of the suspension or the specific games from which the accused has been suspended. 5.3.5 Appeal of a Decision under the D.B.R. System Except where a decision has been made that is in contravention of or not in accordance with a published rule, discipline decisions made under the D.B.R. System may not be appealed. 5.3.6 Requests for A Hearing Except in cases of Ontario Soccer Misconduct Type 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6, an individual who is subject to the D.B.R. System shall have the right to request to be disciplined by the D.B.H. System Where applicable, the accused shall submit a written request to the Governing Organization having jurisdiction to hear the case, within three (3) days of receiving the dismissal. This request must arrive before the date of the next scheduled Discipline Review meeting, as published. In cases where there was no dismissal/ejection was performed, the governing organization shall notify the accused, provide a copy of the Special Incident Report and provide an opportunity for the accused to request a hearing within specified timelines. The request shall be written and together with the appropriate "Request for Hearing Fee" A Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee is only payable if the accused is found guilty of the charge. The "Request for Hearing Fee" shall be paid prior to the start of the hearing and this fee is non-refundable. 5.4 Discipline by Hearing 5.4.1 Notification of Hearing For Governing Organizations without regularly scheduled hearings, all those required to attend a hearing shall be given fifteen (15) days’ notice. Such notice shall also be forwarded to the Club when the offence involves a Registered Player, Team Official or Club Administrator. This notice must state the exact nature of the charges, together with the misconduct type and reference number, as outlined in Procedure 9.0, together with the "Rights of the Accused" to request a postponement, to bring an adviser, observers and/or witnesses. The Notice of Hearing will also include a copy of each 'Report of Misconduct' and all documentation which will be considered by the Discipline Hearing Panel received by the Governing Organization in relation to the Discipline Charge being brought against the accused. 5.4.2 For Governing Organizations that have published the dates on which they hold regularly scheduled hearings, the organization shall: a) Publish the organization's hearing schedule and those required to attend; b) Publish with the hearing schedule: a. The method of notification for those required to attend; b. The rights of the accused party to request a postponement; c. The rights to bring an adviser, observer(s) and/or witnesses(s) to the hearing; d. The rights to receive within 48 hours upon submitting a written request to the organization, a copy of the Report(s) of Misconduct and all documentation which will be considered by the Discipline Hearing Panel c) If the accused has not been provided disclosure in accordance with b) iv) above, at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the hearing, provide the accused with a copy of the Report(s) of Misconduct and all documentation which will be considered by the Discipline Hearing Panel 5.4.3 If any party required to attend a hearing challenges the legality of the hearing on the basis that insufficient notice of the hearing was given, the Hearing Panel will determine if the complaint is legitimate and, if found to be, will only proceed if relevant parties sign a waiver or will adjourn the case to a subsequent date. 5.4.4 The Discipline Hearing Panel shall not overrule any legitimate objections which are based on the Discipline Procedures contained in these "operational procedures" 5.4.5 Request for Postponement Any party required to attend a hearing may request one (1) postponement of a hearing. The party must submit a written request which must be received by the Governing Organization no later than four (4) days prior to the date of that hearing, stating the reason for requesting the postponement. All such requests must be accompanied by the correct fee in the form of a recorded payment. Should the request be denied, the fee shall be refunded. The Governing Organization shall have full discretion to refund the "Request For Postponement Fee" if sufficient reason warrants such action. Any Match Official required to attend does not have to pay the "Request For Postponement Fee" unless he/she is the accused. In the event that criminal charges are laid as a result of any incident that occurred in a game or in the vicinity of the game’s venue after the game, the case shall proceed in accordance with "governing documents", unless the accused requests a postponement of the hearing. Such "Requests for Postponement" shall be granted, but the accused shall remain suspended from all soccer related activity until his/ her case is dealt with by the Discipline Hearing Panel. 5.4.6 Request for New Hearing Those who request another hearing after failing to attend a hearing when required to do so, shall submit a written request together with the recorded payment for the fee as specified by the Governing Organization. This fee is non-refundable. When a hearing is postponed, the accused shall request a hearing after the disposition of the criminal charge(s) but will not be required to pay the normal "Request for Hearing Fee". The outcome of a criminal case will not influence charges laid under "Published Rules". Any suspension period shall include the period during which the accused was suspended prior to the hearing. 5.5 Pleading Guilty An accused party may plead guilty and forego a hearing. Written notification of such must be received by the Governing Organization no later than four days prior to the date of the hearing. In doing so, the accused party accepts the maximum penalty applicable to Ontario Soccer Misconduct Type charged. The appropriate administrative fee will be levied. The accused party may not appeal a decision rendered by the Discipline Hearing Panel once the guilty plea has been entered, unless the penalty assessed is not within the standard range in accordance with the Published Rules 5.6 Attendance at Discipline Hearing 5.6.1 The accused individual or Governing Organization or their representative must attend a hearing. Anyone representing an accused must provide a signed proxy from the accused before being allowed to participate at a hearing. 5.6.2 An accused may choose to be accompanied by another adult who may act as an adviser. 5.6.3 An accused less than eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult, who shall act as an adviser, failing which the hearing will not proceed and the accused shall be suspended until the hearing is held. 5.6.4 If the accused does not appear, the hearing will not proceed, the accused will be fined in accordance with the "Schedule of Fees, Fines, Bonds and Penalties" as published by the Governing Organization, and the accused will be suspended from all soccer related activities until he/she requests in writing and attends a hearing. 5.6.5 In all cases of alleged Match Official Assault, the following must attend the hearing: a) the accused; (notwithstanding 5.6.1, the accused must attend in person) b) the person(s) submitting the report(s); c) the Club representative. 5.6.6 If any of the above parties fail to attend may result in disciplinary action being taken. a) An accused person failing to attend a Discipline Hearing when required to do so, shall be suspended from all soccer related activity until such time that he/she requests, in writing, another hearing and appears at that subsequent hearing; and he/ she shall be fined in accordance with the “governing documents” of the organization hearing the case. b) A Governing Organization failing to attend a Discipline Hearing, when required to do so, shall be fined in accordance with the “governing documents” of the organization hearing the case. 5.6.7 Failure of an accused, without due cause, to participate in, or remain at, a discipline hearing when required to attend. a) An accused person who refused to participate in a Discipline Hearing, or who walked out of the hearing, thus preventing the Discipline Hearing Panel from rendering a decision on the case, shall be suspended from all soccer related activities until such time that he/she requests, in writing, another hearing and appears at that subsequent hearing. b) Notwithstanding Procedure 5.6.7 a), if the Discipline Hearing Panel determines that it has obtained sufficient evidence, prior to the walkout, to render a decision in the normal manner, it shall render its decision. 5.6.8 The Discipline Hearing Panel must require that the author of the misconduct report attend the Discipline Hearing where the accused has been charged with a misconduct type that may result in a penalty of one year or greater. 5.6.9 The Match Official must attend a Discipline Hearing if required by the Discipline Hearing Panel. Any reasonable expenses incurred by the Match Official shall be reimbursed by the Governing Organization handling the case. 5.7 Advisers, Club Representative, Witnesses and Observers 5.7.1 Advisers An adviser is a person 18 years of age or older who provides advice to any party required to attend a Discipline Hearing including the Panel and may not act as a witness nor provide any testimony at the Discipline Hearing. They may not question the competence of the Match Official(s) and may question a witness for clarification purposes only. The Chair of the Discipline Hearing Panel shall notify any advisers that the hearing will be conducted strictly in accordance with Ontario Soccer "Governing documents". An adviser may not be granted an adjournment of the hearing on the grounds that he/she is not familiar with Ontario Soccer "Published Rules". 5.7.2 Observers Each party required to attend a Discipline Hearing is entitled to have a maximum of two observers in attendance at the Discipline Hearing. They may not act as a witness nor provide any testimony but may speak at the discretion of the Discipline Hearing Panel. If an observer interrupts a Discipline Hearing and refuses to stop such interruptions when requested to do so by the Discipline Hearing Panel, he/she shall be required to leave the hearing room, prior to the continuation of the hearing. 5.7.3 Club, Local Referee Association or League Representative Each Club / Local Referee Association or League is entitled to send a representative to a Discipline Hearing at which one of its Player(s), Team Official(s) or Administrators or Match Official(s) is required to attend and may serve as an adviser. At a Discipline Hearing for a Match Official Assault case, the Club shall send a representative to the hearing. A Club Representative may also serve as an adviser to a party, usually the accused, and is entitled to the full rights of an adviser, in accordance with Operational Procedure 5.7.1. At a Discipline Hearing for a Match Official Assault case the Local Referee Association of the assaulted Match Official shall be requested to send a representative to the hearing. 5.7.4 Witnesses Each party required to attend a Discipline Hearing as well as the Governing Organization hearing the case, is entitled to bring witnesses. Witnesses must appear in person. Written reports by witnesses are not acceptable. There is no limit to the number of witnesses allowed, but they must add new testimony and the Discipline Hearing Panel can restrict the testimony of witnesses if the testimony given becomes repetitious. 5.7.5 Composition of Discipline Hearing Panel A Discipline Hearing Panel shall consist of at least three members: 1. The Chair. 2. The Recording Secretary and; 3. A third member. Personnel shall be carefully selected for the Discipline Hearing Panel to ensure the panel will have no significant relationship with the affected parties, will have no involvement with the misconduct being considered and will be free from any other actual or perceived bias or conflict. Only one (1) registered match official shall be allowed on a panel. The Discipline Hearing Panel shall hear all charges at a properly convened Discipline Hearing. The accused may waive this requirement for three members by signing the appropriate waiver form. For Discipline Hearings being convened by a District Association or any competitive classification league, the Discipline Hearing Chair will hold current Discipline Certification Level 1 prior to the hearing being convened. 5.7.6 Discipline Hearing Procedures At the start of the Hearing, all parties shall be brought into the hearing room. The Recording Secretary shall record the names and status of all attendees. The Chair shall explain to all parties present, the Discipline process and the rights and limitations of all parties to the Hearing, as described in Operational Procedures. With all parties present, the charges against the accused shall be read from the "Discipline Hearing Notice", together with any other reports on which the charges have been based. After this time, all witnesses must be asked to leave the room. The person(s) submitting the report(s), if present, shall be allowed to amplify or qualify the report(s) and the accused (or adviser) shall be allowed to question the report. Questions to a witness from any party must be directed through the Chair at the Chair’s discretion. Witnesses shall be brought back in, one at a time, at the request of either party or the Hearing Panel. After giving testimony the witnesses shall be asked to remain in the room. If they request to leave, the Panel must ensure that they leave the building and not communicate with any other witnesses that have still to be heard. The Chair shall allow the accused and witnesses to testify, provided the testimony is relevant, and the Hearing Panel may question the accused or any witness giving evidence. If, during the hearing, it is determined that evidence from a witness who could not attend may be crucial to the decision, the Chair shall adjourn the hearing and reschedule it to a later date. All those who are required to attend the rescheduled hearing shall be given notice in writing in accordance with the time frames in Procedure stipulated in this procedure as appropriate, or by mutual consent at an earlier date. The accused and the person(s) submitting the report(s) shall be given the opportunity to present final comments, after which the Chair shall declare the hearing recessed and notify all parties of their "Rights of Appeal". At this time, all those other than the Panel members shall leave. The Panel shall consider the evidence and shall, wherever possible, arrive at a decision prior to adjourning. In the event that the Panel decides that further information is required, it will act accordingly, and will notify all involved parties to that effect within fifteen days. If a further hearing is considered to be necessary, the Panel shall, unless all parties agree to sign waivers, give fifteen days’ notice to all involved parties. Those parties required to attend the original hearing shall be required to be present at the subsequent hearing. In the event that a Discipline Hearing Panel considers that (additional) charges should be laid against any Registrant or Registered Organization as a result of new evidence being discovered at the hearing, the (new) charges must be dealt with by the appropriate Governing Organization at a new hearing with a new panel held on a subsequent date. In a situation where there are multiple discipline cases involving two or more individuals/organizations and relating to the same incident, the Discipline Hearing Panel may hear the cases concurrently at the same hearing. In such situations, all of the accused parties shall individually be given the same rights and responsibilities as a single accused individual/organization. 5.7.7 Audio Visual Technology A audio recorder may be used by any party to record the testimony at a Discipline Hearing. All persons participating in the hearing shall be advised that the hearing is being recorded. Video evidence is acceptable provided it substantiates verbal evidence given by any party. Video evidence that simply seeks to show errors made by a Match Official shall be ruled out of order and not considered. Videoevidence that shows possible errors in identification by the Match Official shall be allowed. 5.7.8 Notification of Penalty In all cases, decisions shall be forwarded, in writing, by mail, fax, e-mail, or designated website, to the parties involved within fifteen (15) days after the conclusion of the hearing. The decision shall include the "Rights of Appeal Information". If the accused is found guilty the decision shall include: a) The exact offence(s) of which the accused has been found guilty and reasons to support the decision. b) The exact terms of the discipline imposed, including any suspension(s), fee(s), fine(s), or bond(s). If the written decision is not received within the specified timeframe, the accused person’s or organizations rights of appeal begin on the date of the receipt of the written decision, with the Rights to Appeal document. 5.7.9 Rights of Appeal Any party directly affected by a decision under the DBH system has the right to appeal that decision. The discipline decision shall remain in effect pending the result of the appeal. If the "Rights of Appeal Information" is not given to a party directly affected by the decision, then that party's rights of appeal, begin on the date of the receipt of the "Rights of Appeal Information". PROCEDURE 6.0 - MATCH OFFICIAL ASSAULT 6.1 Reporting a Match Official Assault 6.1.1 A Match Official Assault shall be reported in accordance with Procedure 2.4. 6.2 Immediate Suspension Within 24 hours after receipt of the report, the District Association shall notify the alleged offender, his/her Club and League, that he/she is immediately suspended from all soccer related activity, pending a hearing by an Ontario Soccer. Discipline Hearing Panel in the District Association with which he/she is registered or with which his/her Club is affiliated. 6.3 Jurisdiction 6.3.1 Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel shall be appointed by the District Association with which the accused is registered or with which the club of the accused is affiliated. The District Association's appointed Discipline Hearing Panel shall act as Ontario Soccer's Discipline Hearing Panel in the hearing of such cases. 6.3.2 The Discipline Hearing shall be convened within 30 days, of the receipt of the report by the relevant Governing Organization 6.4 Attendance of Match Official at Discipline Hearing for Match Official Assault 6.4.1 If the match official, who has filed a report alleging Match Official Assault: a) is unable or unwilling to attend a Discipline Hearing for the accused within 30 days after missing the first scheduled hearing or; b) fails to attend two scheduled Discipline Hearings without a valid reason then the charge of Match Official Assault shall be dismissed. For each time the Match Official fails to attend a scheduled Discipline Hearing without valid reason, the match official shall be fined in accordance with Procedure 9.0. 6.5 Decision Pertaining to Match Official Assault Case 6.5.1 When suspending a registrant for Match Official Assault, the Discipline Hearing Panel shall include any period of suspension already served. 6.5.2 If the accused is found guilty of Match Official Assault, the Club of the accused shall be assessed a "Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee." 6.5.3 Disposition of all cases involving Match Official Assault shall be reported to Ontario Soccer Office within 21 days after the completion of the hearing including the findings and decision. PROCEDURE 7.0 - DISCIPLINE AT TOURNAMENTS 7.1 The governing organization responsible for the tournament shall ensure the Discipline Chair has current Discipline Certification level 1 status. 7.2 Alleged offenders must be dealt with by The Panel under the DBR system or DBH system as appropriate directly after the game in which the misconduct was reported. 7.3 The Panel may, where justified, suspend any person dismissed during, or after, a game, from all further participation in the tournament. This is mandatory for any "A" misconduct type 7.4 If the Panel is unable to deal with an offence in a satisfactory manner after the game in which the alleged misconduct occurred: a) the offender shall not be permitted to participate any further in the tournament; b) within 48 hours after the completion of the tournament, the Tournament's Host Organization must forward the Match Official's report, together with any other reports, to its District Association; 7.5 In the case of a Match Official Assault in a tournament, the offender shall be immediately suspended from all soccer related activities, pending a hearing by an Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel. a) the match official shall submit his/her report to the District Association in which he/she resides and to Ontario Soccer; b) the tournament's host organization shall immediately (after the completion of the tournament) notify its District Association; c) within 24 hours after receipt of notification of the Match Official Assault, the District Association shall notify the District Association with which the offender's club is affiliated who will in turn notify the accused, the club of the accused and the league which he/she plays, that the accused is suspended form all soccer related activity until being dealt with by an Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel. 7.6 The Tournament's Host organization shall forward to its governing organization: a) within two days after the completion of a tournament, copies of all misconduct reports, including, dismissal and special incident reports, and the "list of cautions report"; and b) within seven days after the completion of a tournament, a summary report about the discipline rendered to each person. c) who will in turn forward for each person registered with another District Association the misconducts reports and summary report(s) to the appropriate District Association and shall forward a copy of such to Ontario Soccer PROCEDURE 8.0 - SUSPENSIONS 8.1 Serving Suspensions 8.1.1 Any suspension for Match Official Assault shall begin immediately when the report is submitted to the governing organization and continues if the accused is found guilty. The governing organization is responsible for notifying the accused that they are suspended from all soccer activities pending a discipline hearing. 8.1.2 A registrant suspended in a league, league cup, league play-off or any other league competition shall serve the suspension with the league. 8.1.3 If a registrant is suspended for a specific number of scheduled games in a tournament and if the suspension has not been fully served then any outstanding games shall be transferred to the game(s) of the registrant's league. 8.1.4 A registrant unable to fully serve their suspension in a designated competition(s) due to the completion of scheduled games, or the individual leaving the team or league, shall serve their the remaining games in the new team or competition(s) they enter. The suspension shall follow the individual registrant until fully served. 8.2 Suspension Review 8.2.1 Anyone under suspension for two years or longer may request a review of his/her period of suspension after at least half of such suspension has been served. 8.2.2 Notwithstanding Procedure 8.2.11, in any case in which the suspension exceeds six years, a review may be requested after three years of such suspension has been served. 8.2.3 A "Request for a Suspension Review" shall be made to the organization which rendered the suspension. 8.2.4 A letter of recommendation from a Governing Organization except the District Association receiving the "Request for a Suspension Review" must accompany any such request. 8.2.5 In the case of reviewing a suspension which resulted from a Match Official Assault: a) the application shall be submitted to the District Association with which the applicant was registered or affiliated at the time the suspension was levied; b) the application shall be made on the applicable Ontario Soccer form and submitted with a recorded payment for the correct fee in accordance with Procedure 11.0; and c) an Ontario Soccer. Suspension Review Panel shall be appointed by the District Association receiving the application and shall act as Ontario Soccer's Suspension Review Panel in the reviewing of such suspension. PROCEDURE 9.0 - STANDARD PENALTIES FOR MISCONDUCT 9.1 Where a specific suspension is quoted, the set suspension is mandatory and can be administered by DBR. Where suspensions are quoted as a range, application of a suspension within the range is required and the misconduct must be dealt with by DBH. All fines equal to, or greater than, $200.00 must be dealt with by DBH. 9.2 Probationary, suspended or concurrent sentences are not permitted. 9.3 A Governing Organizations may impose fines, fees, bonds and/or penalties for other offences provided such are listed in its "governing documents" provided such penalties are not in conflict with any Ontario Soccer Misconduct Type. With regard to players, a fee, fine, bond and/or penalty may be only be imposed on a player who is registered with a senior team, including a youth age player registered with a senior team. 9.4 Immediate Suspensions from All Soccer Activities An immediate suspension must be imposed on receipt of a report for the following misconduct: i. Offences of moral turpitude ii. Physical assault or attempted physical assault of a mini or youth registered player by a Team Official or Administrator iii. Match Official Assault by a player, team official, administrator or another match official 9.4.1 In cases where a person has been charged in criminal court with offences of moral turpitude, the accused shall be suspended from all soccer related activity until the case(s) has been concluded in criminal cou rt. Ontario Soccer may decide if further proceedings are warranted pursuant to the "Governing documents" of Ontario Soccer and/or the CSA 9.4.2 Within 24 hours after receipt of the report from the Match Official, or after charges have been laid by the police, the District Association shall notify the alleged offender, his/her Club and League, that he/she is immediately suspended from all soccer related activity, pending a hearing by the District Association Discipline Hearing Panel with which he/she is registered or with which his/her Club is affiliated. 9.4.3 All other policies pertaining to the administration and handling of the Discipline Hearing(s) for these Ontario Soccer Misconduct Types will be in accordance with Discipline Procedure 6.0 – Match Official Assault. 9.5 On misconduct being proved to its satisfaction, a Discipline Hearing/Review Panel shall have the power to cause a Registrant: a) to be suspended from all or any specific soccer related activity for a stated period of time; b) to be suspended for a specific number of scheduled games in a designated competition(s); and c) to be fined and/or bonded (with or without suspension). within the specifications and limitations as detailed in the Tables of Standard Penalties for the specific registrant type. 9.5.1 A Discipline Hearing Panel must suspend the accused from 'all soccer related activity' when a finding of guilty is rendered for one of the following Ontario Soccer Misconduct Types. Player Team Official Administrator Match Official 1.22 1.51 1.52 1.64 2.41 2.51 2.51A 2.52 3.41 3.51 3.51A 3.52 4.51 4.51A 4.52 4.52A 1.65 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.71 1.73 1.74 1.51A 1.52A 1.61 1.75 2.52A 2.53 2.54 2.61 2.63 2.64 2.65 2.67 2.68 2.71 2.72 2.73 2.74 2.75 3.52A 3.61 3.63 3.64 3.65 3.67 3.68 3.71 3.72 3.73 3.74 3.75 3.76 4.53 4.54 4.61 4.64 4.67 4.68 4.71 4.72 4.73 4.74 4.75 9.5.2 Unless the misconduct type permits the Panel to order the offender suspended from all soccer related activity, the suspension shall be served only within the jurisdiction hearing the case. NOTE: Not applicable to Match Officials. 9.5.3 Notwithstanding 9.5.2, a player who has been suspended for one or more games in league play shall not be permitted to "play up": i. for a higher level club team within his/her own Club, or ii. with a Temporary Eligibility Permit (TEP) for a higher level club team of a club other than one with which he/she is registered. In a league game for any other team until after the scheduled date of the final game covered by his/her suspension (such date to be indicated on the notice of suspension). 9.5.4 Notwithstanding 9.5.2, if the suspension is the result of the offender: i. having played up for a higher level club team within his/her own Club, or ii. having played up with a Temporary Eligibility Permit (TEP) for a higher level club team of a club other than one with which he/she is registered then in such instances, the misconduct report will be transferred to, and the suspension administered by, the league with which the offender's regular team is registered. 9.5.5 A Player or Team Official suspended for specific games may not participate in any other registration category for that team during their suspension 9.6 A Player shall only be disciplined for the accumulation of cautions within the same competition/league. 9.7 When a Player is dismissed for "Receiving a second caution in the same game", the two cautions in that game shall not be included in the accumulation of cautions with that competition/league. 9.8 Game suspension not completed during the current playing season will be carried over to the following playing season. Indoor to Indoor, Outdoor to Outdoor, Futsal to Futsal. Note: Game suspensions for tournament team players, shall follow the player to their next registered game. 9.9 If the evidence submitted at a Discipline Hearing does not warrant the accused being found guilty of the charges laid against her/him and there is sufficient evidence to find the accused person guilty of a lesser charge, the Discipline Hearing Panel may find the accused guilty of the lesser charge, provided that the lesser charge is not a different charge and is directly related to the original charge. 9.9.1 A Discipline Hearing Panel may only find an accused guilty of a lesser charge if the evidence presented better fits the description of the lesser charge in accordance with only the following offences: Player Team Official Administrator Match Official Club 1.16A to 1.16 1.19A to 1.19 1.21A to 1.21 1.51 to 1.16A or 1.16 or 1.17A or 1.171.52 to 1.51 or 1.16A or 1.16 or 1.17A or 1.17 1.73 to 1.16 or 1.15 2.16A to 2.16 or 2.14 2.51 to 2.16A or 2.16 or 2.14 2.52 to 2.51 or 2.16A or 2.16 or 2.14 2.54 to 2.53 2.73 to 2.16 or 2.15 3.16A to 3.16 or 3.14 3.51 to 3.16A or 3.16 or 3.14 3.52 to 3.51 or 3.16A or 3.16 3.54 to 3.53 3.73 to 3.16 or 3.15 4.51 to 4.16 4.51 to 4.15 4.52 to 4.51 or 4.15 4.54 to 4.53 or 4.41 4.73 to 4.16 or 4.15 5.51 to 5.53 5.52 to 5.51 or 5.53 9.10 A youth aged match official, officiating in a youth or mini competition who engages in misconduct, may not be fined for a first misconduct offence, but should be provided with an alternative education program, as established by the District Association, in order to assist in the rehabilitation of the Match Official. 9.10.1 If found guilty of the same Misconduct Type a second time in the same playing season, the Discipline Hearing Panel may then suspend the offending Match Official from refereeing for a period of seven (7) to fourteen (14) days. 9.11 In the matter of Match Official Assault it shall be considered a second or third lifetime offence if the Registrant is found guilty again of any ".51" or ".52" offence regardless of the registration category. The penalty applied shall be the penalty applicable to the Registrant's category when the subsequent offence was committed. 9.12 The authority for dealing with any registration misconduct is the responsibility of District Associations. Only District Associations may render a fine for these types of misconduct in accordance with those shown in this procedure or a District's published schedule of Fines, Fee, Bonds or Penalties. 9.12.1 Leagues may take additional action on the disposition of the game results for Clubs where it proved the Team played an ineligible player in any game and may impose fines on the club in accordance with their published schedule of Fees, Fines, Bonds and Penalties subject to the maximum fine established in these procedures. Game sheet irregularities as a result of mistakes made by a team official do not constitute the use of an ineligible player by the team but may be dealt with under league playing rules for incorrect team sheets. 9.12.2 Ineligible player is defined as follows and shall apply to all competitions in Ontario. No District Association, League or Tournament/Festival/Exhibition Game Host Organization may use any other definition in its competitions rules: a) Playing while under suspension, b) Playing without an international transfer, c) Playing without having been re-instated from Professional to amateur, d) Playing while not being properly registered, e) Playing while not being registered to that team unless on a valid trial permit, f) Playing in an age specific competition without the eligible age classification, g) Playing up or playing as a guest player when ineligible to do so, h) Playing after failing to produce Ontario Soccer Registrant Book or Ontario Soccer approved Identification Card when requested to do so. 9.13 All Governing Organizations shall impose fines, fees, bonds or penalties for violations based on Ontario Soccer Misconduct Types in Procedure 9.0. 9.14 The use of any misconduct types (Acted in contravention of, or failed to act in accordance with a "Operational Procedure" misconduct type ".66" or Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to "the game" "misconduct type" .67") are restricted to situations where the alleged misconduct is not covered by a specific Ontario Soccer misconduct within Procedure 9.0. 9.15 If a Registrant fails to attend a discipline hearing for Match Official Assault, the Discipline Hearing Panel may fine the Registrant in accordance with the fines indicated in the tables in Procedure 9.0 without the need to convene another hearing. 9.16 A Governing Organization shall review and revise any penalty imposed by a Discipline Hearing/Review Panel, including a Discipline Hearing Panel acting as an Ontario Soccer. Discipline Hearing Panel if determined that the penalty imposed was less than the mandatory penalty. 9.17 A person suspended by a Club or a League for violation of a "Club or League's Published Rule" shall be suspended from that Club or League's activities only. 9.18 Suspensions, Fines and Bonds levied by any organization shall be in accordance with the Standard Penalties for Misconduct Tables in this Operational Procedure. TABLE 1 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Player Based on Playing Seasonal Offences Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence 1.1 First Caution. no action 1.2 Second Caution no action 1.3 Third Caution. 1-game suspension 1.4 Fourth Caution. no action 1.5 Fifth Caution. 2-game suspension 1.6 Sixth Caution & any subsequent caution. 3- game suspension 1.7 Notwithstanding Misconduct Types 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 above, the following suspensions will be applied to players in the Regional & Provincial Divisions of the Provincial & Regional Senior Leagues: 1.7.1 First Caution. no action 1.7.2 Second Caution no action 1.7.3 Third Caution. no action 1.7.4 Fourth Caution. no action 1.7.5 Fifth Caution. 1-game suspension 1.7.6 Sixth Caution no action 1.7.7 Seventh Caution. 1-game suspension 1.7.8 Eighth Caution. 2-game suspension 1.7.9 Ninth Caution. 2-game suspension 1.7.1 Tenth Caution suspended for 0 remainder of season Dismissed for "Receiving a second caution in the same 1 game suspension 3 game See misconduct 1.13 game" for which neither of the cautions was directed at the match official(s). suspension 1.22 Dismissed for "Receiving a second caution in the same 2 game suspension 4 game See misconduct 1.14 game" for which at least one of the cautions was directed at the match official(s). suspension 1.22 Dismissed for "Receiving a second caution in the same 4 game suspension 8 game See misconduct 1.14A game" for which at least one of the cautions were directed at a Match Official under the age of 18. suspension 1.22 Dismissed or reported by Match Official for "Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or 1.15 gestures" directed at anyone other than the match official(s). If racist or sexual comments - please see 1.73 1-game suspension 3-game suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed or reported by Match Official for "Using 1.16 offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures/actions" directed at the match official(s).If racist or sexual comments - please see 1.73 3 game suspension 8 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed or reported by Match Official for "Using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or 1.16A gestures/actions" directed at Match official(s) under the age of 18. If racist or sexual comments - please see 1.73 8 game suspension 16 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 1.17 Dismissed or reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures/actions" directed at a match official(s) after having been previously dismissed or reported Note: A suspension of 9-12 games can only be applied for 1.17 where the charge has been reduced from Game Official Assault charges 1.51/1.52. Otherwise the maximum suspension for 1.17 is 8 games. 6 to 12 games suspension 8-16 games suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed or reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures/actions" directed at a Match official(s) under the age of 18, after having 1.17A been previously dismissed or reported Note: Suspension for a youth player under 1.17A cannot exceed 8 games. An adult player can be suspended up to the maximum of 16 games. 8-16 games suspension 12-18 games suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed for "Denying an opponent a goal or an 1.18 obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball". 1.18A Dismissed for "Denying an opponent a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent 1 game suspension 2 game suspension 2 game suspension 4 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 See misconduct 1.22 moving towards the player's goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or penalty kick". Dismissed for "Serious Foul Play". (Must occur on the 1.19 field of play, against an opponent when challenging for the ball, while the ball is in play). Otherwise see 1.21 2 game suspension 4 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed for "Serious Foul Play" where in the opinion of the Discipline Hearing Panel there was an obvious 1.19A "attempt to injure" or "a complete disregard for the safety of an opponent" (Must occur on the field of play, against an opponent while the ball is in play) otherwise see 1.21A 4-8 game suspension 8-12 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 1.20 Dismissed or reported for "Spitting at an opponent or any other person", other than a Match Official. NOTE: Spitting at a Match Official is Misconduct Type 1.52. 4 game suspension 8 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 1.21 Dismissed or reported for "Violent Conduct". 3 game suspension 6 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 Dismissed or reported for "Violent Conduct" where in 1.21 the opinion of the Discipline Hearing Panel there was 6-10 game 10-15 game See misconduct 1.22 A an obvious attempt to seriously injure a registrant or non-registrant. suspension suspension 1.22 Received and found guilty of a third dismissal in a playing season within that league or competition 1 - 11 month suspension 1.23 Senior player played as an ineligible player except for a 2 game suspension 4 game 8 game player who played while under suspension in which case Misconduct Type 1.64 shall apply. suspension suspension Re-enters the field of play or player bench area after 1.25 having been dismissed from the game by the Match Official 2 game suspension 5 game suspension See misconduct 1.22 Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Player Based on Lifetime Offences Type # Description of Misconduct First Lifetime Offence Second Lifetime Offence Third or More Lifetime Offence Match Official Assault for "deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted 1.51 physical contact or threatening". 6-12 month suspension + $200.00 fine 1-3 year suspension + $200.00 fine Minimum 5 year suspension Match Official Assault (against a Match Officials under 1-3 year suspension 3-5 year Minimum the age of 18) for "deliberate physical contact (i.e., 1.51A pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted physical contact or threatening". + $300.00 fine suspension + $300.00 fine 7 year suspension Match Official Assault for "striking, spitting, kicking, or 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year Minimum any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent 1.52 conduct". + $400.00 fine suspension + $400.00 fine 10 year suspension Match Official Assault (against a Match Officials under 5-10 year the age of 18) for "striking, spitting, kicking, or any form suspension + 10-15 year suspension + Minimum 1.52A of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct". $500.00 fine $500.00 fine 15 year suspension Failed to attend a discipline hearing at which he/she 1.61 was accused of Match official assault. player is fined $100.00 and remains suspended until he/she requests and attends a subsequent discipline hearing 1.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which he/she was 6-12 month 1-3 year 2-5 year suspended 1.65 Instigated and/or participated in a brawl between two teams before, during, or after a game. suspension 1-3 month suspension suspension 3-12 month suspension suspension 1-3 year suspension Senior player acted in contravention of, or failed to act 1.66 in accordance with, a "Published Rule". (see restrictions in procedure 9.14) 1.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the game. (see restrictions in procedure 9.14) 1-3 month suspension 3-12 month suspension 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 7-12 month suspension 2-5 year suspension Committed one of more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on such form. 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 1.68 b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a registration form. c) Provided an invalid photograph for registration purposes. d) Misidentifying one’s self to a Match Official Provided false information or withheld information 1.69 (including date of birth; Club, country, and year last registered; etc.) on a player registration form. 3-6 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 1.70 Provided a false address on the player registration form. 1-3 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 1.71 Participated in any soccer related activity under a false name. 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Dismissed or reported by a Match Official or other 1.73 registrant for racist or sexist comments made during the game or in the vicinity of the playing field either during or after the game 1-3 month suspension 4-6 month suspension 7-12 month suspension Reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive 1.74 language and/or gestures" directed at a discipline or appeal hearing panel member(s) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension TABLE 2 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by Team Officials Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence Dismissed or reported for persisting in misconduct 2.13 "after receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the match official" for which neither of the offences was directed at the Match Official(s). 1 game suspension 3 game suspension See misconduct 2.22 Dismissed or reported for persistent misconduct "after 2 game suspension 5 game suspension See misconduct 2.14 receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the Match Official" for which at least one of the offences was directed at the match official(s). 2.22 Dismissed or reported for persistent misconduct "after 4 game suspension 10 game See misconduct 2.14A receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the Match Official" for which at least one of the offences was directed at Match Official(s) under the age of 18. suspension 2.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting or 2 game suspension 5 game suspension See misconduct 2.15 abusive language and/or gestures" directed at anyone other than the match official(s). 2.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting or 4 game suspension 9 game suspension See misconduct 2.16 abusive language and/or gestures" directed at the match official(s). 2.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting or 8 game suspension 18 game See misconduct 2.16A abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a Match Official(s) under the age of 18 suspension 2.22 Dismissed or reported for "using offensive, insulting or 7 to 9 game 2.16B abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a match suspension official(s) after having been previously dismissed or reported 3 to 6 months suspension See misconduct 2.22 2.22 Received and found guilty of a third dismissal in a playing season within that league or competition 3 - 11 month suspension 2.25 Re-enters the field of play or player's bench area after having been dismissed from the game by the match official 3 game suspension 6 game suspension See misconduct 2.22 Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Team Official Based on Lifetime Offences Type # Description of Misconduct First Lifetime Offence Second Lifetime Offence Third Lifetime Offence Physical Assault or Attempted Physical Assault of a uniformed Grassroots registered player or youth 2.50 registered player. This charge carries an immediate suspension from all soccer activity 3-12 month suspension +$300.00 fine 1-3 year suspension +$400.00 fine Minimum 5 year suspension + $500.00 fine Match Official Assault for "deliberate physical contact 6-12 month 1-3 year Minimum (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted 2.51 physical contact or threatening". suspension + $300.00 fine suspension + $400.00 fine 5 year suspension + $500.00 fine Match Official Assault (towards a youth aged match 1-3 year suspension 3 - 5 year Lifetime 2.51A official) for "deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted physical contact or threatening". + $400 fine suspension + $500 Suspension fine Match Official Assault for "striking, spitting, kicking, or 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year Minimum any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent 2.52 conduct". + $300.00 fine suspension + $400.00 fine 10 year suspension $500.00 fine Match Official Assault (towards a youth aged match 2.52A official) for "striking, spitting, kicking, or any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct". Minimum 5 year suspension + $500 fine Lifetime Suspension Made deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, 3-12 month 1-3 year 5 year charging, etc.) or attempts physical contact with, or 2.53 threatens, a registrant or non-registrant of Ontario Soccer. (excluding a Match Official, or a Grassroots/youth registered player). suspension suspension suspension Struck, spat on, kicked, or committed any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct, against 2.54 a registrant or non-registrant of Ontario Soccer. (excluding a Match Official, or a Grassroots/youth registered player) 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year suspension 10 year suspension When request by a player, refused to give the player 2.58 his/her registration book or ID Card within 5 days $100.00 fine $200.00 fine $400.00 fine Failed to attend a discipline hearing at which he/she 2.61 was accused of Match official assault. Accused is fined $100.00 and remains suspended until he/she requests and attends a subsequent discipline hearing Played an ineligible or suspended player in a 2.63 sanctioned game or permitted a suspended player who is suspended from all soccer related activity 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 2.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which he/she was suspended 2.65 Instigated and/or participated in a brawl between two teams, before, during, or after a game. 6-12 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Acted in contravention of, or failed to act in 2.66 accordance with, a "Published Rule". (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 2.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the game. (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 1-6 month suspension 3-12 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Committed one or more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on such form. b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a 2.68 registration form. c) Falsified a signature on a registration form. d) Knowingly provided an invalid photograph of a person for the purpose of registering that person. e) misidentified player to Match Official 2.70 Provided a false address on the player registration form. 2.71 Participated in a soccer related activity under a false name 3-12 month suspension 1-3 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Induced or attempted to induce a registered player to 2.72 leave his/her team before the end of that team's current playing season. 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Dismissed or reported by a Match Official or other 6-12 month 1-3 year 2-5 year 2.73 registrant for racist or sexist comments made during a suspension game or in the vicinity of the playing field either during or after the game. suspension suspension Reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive 2.74 language and/or gestures" directed at a discipline or appeal hearing panel member(s) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the 6-12 month 18-24 month 3-5 year 2.75 establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization or competition unless Team Official is only acting as a player suspension suspension TABLE 3 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by an Administrator Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence Dismissed or reported for persisting in misconduct 3.13 "after receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the match official" for which neither of the offences was directed at the Match Official(s). 1 week suspension 3 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Dismissed or reported for persistent misconduct 3.14 "after receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the match official" for which at least one of the offences was directed at the match official(s). 2 week suspension 5 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Dismissed or reported for persistent misconduct 3.14A "after receiving a warning 'for misconduct' from the match official" for which at least one of the offences was directed at a Match Official under the age of 18 4 week suspension 10 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting 3.15 or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at anyone other than the match official(s). 2 week suspension 5 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting 3.16 or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at the match official(s). 4 week suspension 9 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Dismissed or reported for using "Offensive, insulting 3.16A or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a Match Official under the age of 18 8 week suspension 18 week suspension See misconduct 3.22 Reported for persisting in "using offensive, insulting 3.17 or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a match official(s) after having been previously reported or dismissed 7 to 9 week suspension 3 to 6 months suspension See misconduct 3.22 Reported for persisting in "using offensive, insulting 3.17A or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a Match Official(s) under the age of 18, after having been previously reported or dismissed 3 to 6 months suspension 6 to 9 months suspension See misconduct 3.22 Received and found guilty of a third dismissal in a 3.22 playing season within that league or competition 3 - 11 month suspension Standard Penalties for Misconduct by an Administrator Based on Lifetime Offences Type # Description of Misconduct First Lifetime Offence Second Lifetime Offence Third Lifetime Offence Physical Assault or Attempted Physical Assault of a 3.50 uniformed Grassroots registered player or youth registered player. 3-12 month 1-3 year Minimum 5 year suspension +$300.00 fine suspension +$400.00 fine suspension + $500.00 fine Match Official Assault for "deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc. .) or 3.51 attempted physical contact or threatening". 6-12 month suspension + $300.00 fine 1-3 year suspension + $400.00 fine Minimum 5 year suspension + $500.00 fine Match Official Assault (towards a Match Official 1-3 year suspension 3-5 year Minimum under the age of 18) for "deliberate physical contact 3.51A (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted physical contact or threatening". + $400.00 fine suspension + $500.00 fine 7 year suspension + $600.00 fine Match Official Assault for "striking, spitting, kicking, 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year Minimum or any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent 3.52 conduct". + $300.00 fine suspension + 400.00 fine 10 year suspension $500.00 fine Match Official Assault (towards a youth aged match 5-10 year 10-12 year Minimum official) for "striking, spitting, kicking, or any form of 3.52A violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct". suspension + 400.00 fine suspension + 500.00 fine 15 year suspension $600.00 fine Made deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempts physical contact 3.53 with, or threatens, a registrant or non-registrant of Ontario Soccer. (excluding a Match Official, or a mini/youth registered player). 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 5 year suspension Struck, spat on, kicked, or committed any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct, 3.54 against a registrant or non-registrant of Ontario Soccer. (excluding a Match Official, or a mini/youth registered player). 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year suspension 10 year suspension When requested by a player, refused to give the 3.58 player his/her registration book or ID Card within 5 days $100.00 fine $200.00 fine $400.00 fine Failed to attend a discipline hearing at which he/she 3.61 was accused of match official assault. Accused is fined $100.00 and remains suspended until he/she requests and attends a subsequent discipline hearing Played an ineligible or suspended player in a 3.63 sanctioned game or permitted a suspended player who is suspended from all soccer related activity 3.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which he/she was suspended 3.65 Instigated and/or participated in a brawl between two teams before, during, or after a game. 3-12 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 1-3 year suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Acted in contravention of, or failed to act in 1-6 month 6-12 month 1-3 year 3.66 accordance with, a "Published Rule". (see restrictions suspension in Procedure 9.14) suspension suspension 3.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the game. (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Committed one or more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on such form. 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 3.68 b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a registration form. c) Falsified a signature on a registration form. d) Knowingly provided an invalid photograph of a person for the purpose of registering that person. 3.70 Provided a false address on the player registration form. 1-3 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 3.71 Participated in a soccer related activity under a false 6-12 month 1-3 year 2-5 year name suspension suspension suspension Induced or attempted to induce a registered player to 6-12 month 1-3 year 2-5 year 3.72 leave his/her team before the end of that team's current playing season. suspension suspension suspension Any team official or administrator dismissed or reported by a Match Official or other registrant for 3.73 racist or sexist comments made during a game or in the vicinity of the playing field either during or after the game. 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive 3.74 language and/or gestures" directed at a panel member(s) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension Directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the 3.75 establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization 6-12 month suspension 18-24 month suspension 3-5 year suspension Participated in an organization's decision not to register some, or all of its players and teams with Ontario Soccer. 12 month suspension 24 month suspension 3-5 year suspension 3.76 (NOTE: If an Administrator in a governance position is charged with Misconduct Type 3.76, the onus will be on each individual Director to prove that she/he did not support the Club's decision to not register the teams and/or players.) Participated in an organization's decision not to register some, or all of its Leagues, Divisions, coaches and administrators with Ontario Soccer. 3.77 (NOTE: If an Administrator in a governance position is charged with Misconduct Type 3.77, the onus will be on each individual Director to prove that she/he did not support the Club's decision to not register the teams and/or players.) 12 month suspension 24 month suspension 3-5 year suspension Table 4 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Match Official Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence 4.15 Used "Offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at anyone including a match official(s). 2 week suspension 3 week suspension 6 -12 month suspension 4.41 Failed to conduct himself/herself with dignity both on, and off, the field of play. $100.00 - $200.00 fine $250.00 - $500.00 fine $500.00 - $750.00 fine Failed to report to a game (to which he/she has been $100.00 - $200.00 $250.00 - $500.00 $500.00 - 4.43 appointed) without giving prior adequate notice of his/her inability to officiate such game. fine fine $750.00 fine 4.43A Reported to an assigned game substantially late without a valid reason. $25 fine $50 fine $75 fine 4.44 Failed to submit a game report to the appropriate Governing Organization within the stipulated time frame after the completion of the game. $100 fine $250 fine $500.00 fine 4.46 Failed to submit a "Caution Form" for a cautioned player, a "Dismissal Form" for a dismissed player, a "Special Incident Report Form" for any special incidents, or a Match Official Assault Report Form for a Match Official Assault $200.00 fine $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Match Official Based on Lifetime Offences Type # Description of Misconduct First Lifetime Offence Second Lifetime Offence Third Lifetime Offence 4.50 Physical Assault or Attempted Physical Assault of a uniformed Grassroots registered player or youth registered player. This charge carries an immediate suspension from all soccer activity 3-12 month suspension +$300.00 fine 1-3 year suspension +$400.00 fine Minimum 5 year suspension + $500.00 fine 4.51 Match Official Assault for "deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted physical contact or threatening". 6-12 month suspension + $300.00 fine 1-3 year suspension + $400.00 fine Minimum 5 year suspension + $500.00 fine Match Official Assault (against a Match Official 1-3 year suspension 3-5 year Minimum under the age of 18) for "deliberate physical contact 4.51A (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempted physical contact or threatening". + $400.00 fine suspension + $500.00 fine 7 year suspension + $600.00 fine Match Official Assault for "striking, spitting, kicking, 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year Minimum 4.52 or any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct". + $500.00 fine suspension + $500.00 fine 10 year suspension Match Official Assault (against a Match Officials under the age of 18) for "striking, spitting, kicking, or 4.52A any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct". 5-10 year suspension + $500.00 fine 10-14 year suspension + $600.00 fine Minimum 15 year suspension 4.53 Made deliberate physical contact (i.e., pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or attempts physical contact with, or threatens, a registrant of Ontario Soccer. or a spectator. 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension Minimum 5 year suspension 4.54 Struck, spat on, kicked, or committed any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct, against a registrant of Ontario Soccer. or a spectator. 2-5 year suspension 5-10 year suspension Minimum 10 year suspension Publicly criticized any other Match Official or Soccer 1-3 month 3-12 month 2-5 year 4.55 Organization; made derogatory statements to the media relating to any game in which he/she was involved concerning the performance of the players or other Match Officials. suspension suspension suspension 4.57 Failed to report a serious game-related offence to his/her District Association. 4.58 Officiated an unsanctioned or unaffiliated soccer game. subject to disciplinary action 30-day suspension 3-6 month suspension 1-2 year suspension 4.60 Failed to attend without a valid reason, a discipline hearing for a person whom the Match Official had reported for Match Official assault or when the penalty is greater than 12 months. $250.00 fine $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine 4.61 Failed to attend a discipline hearing at which he/she was accused of Match Official Assault. Match Official is fined $100.00 and remains suspended until he/she requests and attends a subsequent discipline hearing 4.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which he/she was suspended 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 4.66 Acted in contravention of, or failed to act in accordance with a: District Association, Ontario Soccer or FIFA "Published Rule". (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 1-6 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 4.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to "the game". (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 4.68 Committed one or more of the following: a) Provided false or inaccurate information on a registration form. b) Falsified a signature on a registration form. 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension c) Provided an invalid photograph for registration purposes. 4.70 Provided a false address on the Match Official registration form. 1-3 month suspension 6-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 4.71 Participated in a soccer related activity under a false 6-12 month 1-3 year 3-6 year name. suspension suspension suspension Any Match Official dismissed or reported by a Match 6-12 month 1-3 year 3-6 year 4.72 Official or other registrant for racist or sexist comments made during a game or in the vicinity of the playing field either during or after the game, suspension + $200.00 fine suspension + $400.00 fine suspension + $800.00 fine 4.73 Reported for "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a panel member(s) 3-12 month suspension 1-3 year suspension 2-5 year suspension 4.74 Accepted a fee of other financial compensation (which is not approved by the league's governing organization) or a fee beyond the set guidelines $250.00 fine + 2 week $500.00 fine + 4 week $1000.00 fine + 1 year within the standardization of game fees policy. suspension from all suspension from suspension from officiating activities all officiating activities all officiating activities 4.75 directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization or competition 6-12 month suspension 18-24 month suspension 3-5 year suspension Table 5 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a Club Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence Match Official Assault for "deliberate physical contact (i.e. pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or 5.51 attempted physical contact or threatening" by a Club's spectators or by unidentified players, Team Officials, Administrators of one of the Club's teams. $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine Match Official Assault (against a Match Officials $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine $5000.00 fine under the age of 18) for "deliberate physical contact (i.e. pushing, pulling, charging, etc.) or 5.51A attempted physical contact or threatening" by a Club's spectators or by unidentified players, Team Officials, Administrators of one of the Club's teams. Match Official Assault for "striking, spitting, kicking, or any form of violent conduct, or 5.52 attempted violent conduct" by a Club's spectators or by unidentified players, Team Officials, Administrators of one of the Club's teams. $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine Match Official Assault (against a Match Officials $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine $5000.00 fine under the age of 18) for "striking, spitting, kicking, 5.52A or any form of violent conduct, or attempted violent conduct" by a Club's spectators or by unidentified players, Team Officials, Administrators of one of the Club's teams. Club failed to prevent its spectators or players’ parents from disrupting a game or for persisting 5.53 in "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a Match Official(s) or any other person. $300.00 fine $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine Club failed to prevent its spectators or players’ parents from disrupting a game or for persisting 5.53A in "using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" directed at a Match Official(s) under the age of 18 or any other person. 5.54 Club failed to prevent it’s players, team officials or spectators from swarming the Match Official $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine $5000.00 fine 5.59 Permitted unregistered teams and/or unregistered players to participate in their sanctioned club competitions. $1000.00 fine $1000.00 fine $1000.00 fine 5.60 Club failed to have a Club Representative or its registrant attend a Discipline Hearing when that person is required to do so. $200.00 fine $300.00 fine $500.00 fine Club failed to attend a discipline hearing at which $200.00 fine $300.00 fine $500.00 fine 5.61 it is accused of match official assault for the actions of its spectators and/or unidentified players, Team Official, Administrators on one of the Club's teams. Club failed to pay Ontario Soccer Administrative Fee for a Discipline Hearing at which one of its 5.62 players, Team Official, Administrators or the club itself has been found to be guilty of a charge of match official assault. a) $100.00 penalty assessed to Club; b) if $200.00 admin fee + $100.00 penalty is not paid by Club within 60 days after hearing, the Club will assessed another $100.00 penalty and will be suspended from all soccer activities until the $400.00 is paid 5.63 Played an ineligible player on one of its teams in a game. The Club's team will forfeit all of the games in which an ineligible player played and the Club is fined $500.00 5.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which the organization was suspended $500.00 fine $750.00 fine $1000.00 fine 5.65 (One of its teams) participated in an unsanctioned competition. $500.00 fine $750.00 fine $1000.00 fine 5.66 Acted in contravention of, or failed to act in accordance with, "Operational Procedures". (see restrictions in Operational Procedure 9.14) $200.00 fine $400.00 fine $600.00 fine 5.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the game. (see restrictions in Operational Procedure 9.14) $1,000.00 fine + $2,000.00 bond $3,000.00 fine + $5,000.00 bond $5,000.00 fine + $10,000.00 bond Committed one or more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on such form. b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a 5.68 registration form. c) Falsified a signature on a registration form. d) Registered an individual in Ontario Soccer's computerized registration system without the signature of that individual or parent/guardian on a Player Registration Form. e) Provided an invalid photograph of a person for the purpose of registering that person. $1,000.00 fine $2,000.00 fine $4,000.00 fine 5.69 Did not identify the correct person responsible for $500.00 fine $750.00 fine $1000.00 fine an incident in which the accused was mistakenly identified. 5.70 Game is abandoned due to the action(s) of its players, Team Officials, Administrators or spectators and such action(s) are warranted as valid reason(s) for abandoning the game. $500.00 $750.00 $1000.00 a) In addition, if the abandoned game occurred in an Ontario Cup game, the team is ineligible to enter the Ontario Cup in the subsequent year. b) In addition, if the abandoned game occurred in an out-of-province tournament, the team is ineligible to travel to out-of-province for one year. One of its Team Officials or Administrators was 5.72 found guilty of inducing or attempting to induce a registered player to leave his/her team before the end of that team's current playing season. $1,000.00 fine $2,000.00 fine $3,000.00 fine Any player, team official, administrator or club 5.73 spectator found guilty of racist or sexist comments made during a game or in the vicinity of the playing field either during or after the game $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the $1000.00 fine $3000.00 fine $5000.00 fine 5.75 establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization or competition did not register all of its Teams and players with Ontario Soccer $500.00 fine for each team not registered $1000.00 fine for each team not registered or $2000.00 fine for each team not registered or or $500.00 fine $1000.00 fine for $2000.00 fine for 5.77 for each 14 each 14 players not each 14 players not players not registered, whichever registered, whichever registered, whichever is less is less is less did not register all of its Leagues, Divisions, $200.00 fine $350.00 fine for each $500.00 fine for each 5.78 coaches and administrators with Ontario Soccer for each League, Division, coach& administrator not registered with Ontario Soccer League, Division, coach and administrator not registered with Ontario Soccer League, Division, coach and administrator not registered with Ontario Soccer Table 6 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a League Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence 6.59 Permitted unregistered teams and/or unregistered players to participate in sanctioned competitions. 6.64 Participated in a soccer activity from which the league/organization was suspended $1,000.00 fine $2,500.00 fine $5,000.00 fine $250.00 fine $500.00 fine $1,000.00 fine Intentionally acted in contravention of, or failed to act 6.66 in accordance with, a published Rule. (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) $200.00 fine $400.00 fine $600.00 fine 6.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the $1,000.00 fine + $3,000.00 fine + $5,000.00 fine + game. (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) $2,000.00 bond $5,000.00 bond $10,000.00 bond Committed one or more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on 6.68 such form. b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a registration form. c) Falsified a signature on a registration form. $500.00 fine $1,000.00 fine $2,000.00 fine 6.74 Failure to abide by Ontario Soccer published maximum $1000.00 fine $2000.00 fine $3000.00 fine match official game fees policies. + operation of league subject to withdrawal Directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the 6.75 establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization or competition $1000.00 fine $3000.00 fine $5000.00 fine Table 7 - Standard Penalties for Misconduct by a District Association Type # Description of Misconduct First playing seasonal Offence Second playing seasonal Offence Third or More playing seasonal Offence 7.59 Permitted unregistered teams and/or unregistered players to participate in sanctioned competitions. $1,000.00 fine $2,500.00 fine $5,000.00 fine Participated in a soccer related activity during a 7.64 period in which the organization was "suspended from all soccer related activities". $1000.00 fine $3000.00 fine $5,000.00 fine Intentionally acted in contravention of, or failed to act $1000.00 fine $3000.00 fine $5000.00 fine 7.66 in accordance with, a "Published Rule". (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) 7.67 Acted in a manner deemed to be detrimental to the game. (see restrictions in Procedure 9.14) $1,000.00 fine + $2,000.00 bond $3,000.00 fine + $5,000.00 bond $5,000.00 fine + $10,000.00 bond Committed one or more of the following: a) Changed any information on a registration form without the consent of the person being registered on 7.68 such form. b) Provided false or inaccurate information on a registration form. c) Falsified a signature on a registration form. $500.00 fine $1,000.00 fine $2,000.00 fine directly or indirectly encouraged or assisted in the 7.75 establishment or operation of an unsanctioned soccer organization or competition $1000.00 fine $5000.00 fine $10000.00 fine Failed to provide the required "case information" within the required time-frames about: $100.00 fine $100.00 fine $100.00 fine 7.82 a) a Match Official Assault Case b) Ontario Cup discipline referred to the District Association PROCEDURE 10.0 - FEES, FINES, BONDS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS 10.1 Fees, Fines and Bonds levied by any organization shall be in accordance with the Standard Penalties for Misconduct in Operational Procedure 9.0 10.1.1 The "Schedule of Fees and Financial Penalties" outlined in Operational Procedure 10.0 is applicable only to cases handled by an Ontario Soccer. Discipline Hearing / Review Panel and are mandatory amounts. Fines and Bonds for cases under Ontario Soccer jurisdiction are as outlined in Tables 1-7 in Operational Procedures 9.0. 10.2 Schedule of Fees, Fines, Bonds and Penalties 10.2.1 Each Governing Organization shall define the amounts for its own "Schedule of Fees and Financial Penalties" to be implemented in discipline under its jurisdiction and shall include such schedule in its "Published Rules." 10.3 Discipline Hearing Administrative Fees 10.3.1 A "Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee" may only: a) Be charged if the accused registrant is found guilty b) In the case of a Player, Team Official or Administrator, be charged to the Club with which the guilty person is registered or affiliated 10.3.2 Of the $200.00 Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee" levied to the Club of the accused when the accused has been found guilty of match official assault, the District Association appointing Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearing Panel shall retain $150.00 and remit $50.00 to Ontario Soccer. 10.4 Bonds 10.4.1 A Bond may be levied at the discretion of a Governing Organization for a specified period of time and purpose. There will be no interest paid to the person or organization required to submit the bond and this shall be so stated. 10.5 Any registrant failing to pay a fine, fee or bond imposed by a Discipline Hearing / Review Panel shall be subject to an additional monetary penalty and if still unpaid, shall be subject to suspension and shall remain under suspension until the imposed penalty (plus the original fee, fine, bond) is paid. PROCEDURE 11.0 - FEES, FINES, BONDS, AND PENALTIES Type of Fee or Penalty Fee or Penalty Charged To Amount Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee Charged to Club Club of the Player $200.00 (if Accused is found guilty of Match Official Assault) Club of the Coach $200.00 Club of the Administrator $200.00 Club (for cases involving its spectators and/or unidentified players/coaches/administrators) $200.00 Request for Hearing Fee (Under D.B.R. System) Accused $50.00 Request for Hearing Fee when Accused is: "Suspended until he/she Requests a Hearing" Accused $100.00 Request for Postponement of Discipline Hearing Fee Accused $50.00 Applications For Suspension Review Fee Suspended Person $50.00 Appeal to Ontario Soccer fee Individual or Organization appealing decision $500.00 Appeal fee to Ontario Soccer when appeal is ruled out Deducted from appeal fee being returned $150.00 of order Appeal fee to Ontario Soccer when appeal is denied Deducted from appeal fee being returned $500.00 Appeal fee to respondent when appeal to upheld to Organization $250.00 Appeal to CSA Fee Individual or Organization appealing decision. $1000.00 Penalty for late payment of a fee, fine or bond Senior Player (Note: Only a player registered on a senior team may be fined) $50.00 Coach $50.00 Administrator $50.00 Match Official $50.00 Club $100.00 League or District Association $200.00 Penalty for failure of Club to Pay Discipline Hearing Administrative Fee in a case in which one of its players, coaches, or administrators , or the Club itself Club (if it fails to pay $200.00 administrative fee within 30 days of the hearing) $100.00 (for a case involving its spectators and/or unidentified Club (if it fails to pay $200.00 administrative $100.00 players, coaches or administrators) has been found guilty of Match Official Assault fee and $100.00 penalty within 60 days of the hearing) NOTE: A Club which is levied with Penalty #4.21 and #4.22 shall be suspended from all soccer activities until it pays $200.00 administrative fee and both $100.00 penalties. Penalty for failing to provide (by the required deadline) District Association: for not submitting the $100.00 the required information about the charge involving Match Official Assault to Ontario Soccer Office required information (about the charges) within 10 days after charges are laid District Association: for not submitting the required information (about the decision) within 10 days after the decision is made $100.00 District Association: for not submitting the required information (ie., Minutes, Findings, and Decision) within 30 days after the hearing is concluded $100.00 District Association: for not submitting the required information (about the payment of fees, fines, bonds, and/or penalties) within 30 days after payment of such $100.00 Penalty for failing to provide (by the required deadline) District Association, Provincial League, $100.00 the required information about the disposition of: a) a caution report from an Ontario Cup game (in which the player is disciplined for accumulating three cautions); or b) a dismissal report from and Ontario Cup game Regional League or (governed by Ontario Soccer) District Competitive League: for not reporting, in writing within 30 days, the disposition of a caution report from an Ontario Cup game (in which the player is disciplined for accumulating three cautions) District Association, Provincial League, Regional League or (governed by Ontario Soccer) District Competitive League: for not reporting, in writing within 30 days, the disposition of a dismissal report from an Ontario Cup game $100.00 PROCEDURE 12.0 ̽ ONTARIO SOCCER DISCIPLINE HEARINGS SCHEDULE 12.1 Discipline related to the following Ontario Soccer programs fall under the jurisdiction of Ontario Soccer: 1. League1 Ontario (L1O) 2. Ontario Player Development League (OPDL) 3. Provincial Indoor Soccer League (PISL) 12.2 Discipline by Review is to be conducted by each program administrator and reported to Ontario Soccer within specified timelines. 12.3 All Discipline by Hearing for these programs will be conducted by an Ontario Soccer discipline panel and shall convene as per the scheduled hearing dates on Ontario Soccer’s website. a) changes to the posted schedule of hearings will be communicated as necessary b) discipline hearings under the jurisdiction of Ontario Soccer may convene at times other than those scheduled and shall take place as needed with appropriate notice given to all involved. c) At the discretion of Ontario Soccer, Ontario Soccer Discipline Hearings may be conducted remotely via a communications technology that is approved by the panel. Where permission to attend a hearing via such a communication technology is not expressly approved, attendance in person is assumed to be required by all parties involved.